Justin Wolters - InkRF


Please note, this website is currently under construction, so there are many unfinished elements laying around so please watch your step and put on a hard hat, high vis ves, and safety glasses before continuing. Cheers!


Hey there! Thanks for coming on by.

My name is Justin, otherwise known as InkRF. I'm an electrical engineering student, avid fan of amateur radio, as well as information/physical security. If you want to get in touch with me, you can shoot me a email to my general email at [email protected], or go to my contact page for more specific contact information.

If you've come by before, it may look a bit different than before. I decided to finally take a day to learn HTML/CSS to a point were I can make my own website and not have to rely on a 3rd party product. Should you be so inclined, you can look at the not-so-secret source code on my GitHub account.

This website is to serve as a home for info about me, my past and current projects, and other information I like to share with the world. Hopefully you'll be able to leave here learning something. What that something is is up to you I suppose. Thanks for coming by!

-Justin Wolters/InkRF